Kang Tai
29 Oct 1986
Ultimate Procrastinator
Cat Lover
Lousy Singer
Hunk Wannabe


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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Head Hurts
Insomnia setting in, is that my muse calling out to me, or is it just my head?

I'm the only one wide awake while the rest became the sleeping dead.

Trying to make each sentence rhyme, yet not sure of the reason why.

I'm just trying to avoid more problems and let each day pass by.

Music is now paying a visit to my head, but there's no one home.

Where has my mind gone at this hour instead of staying in its cozy dome?

I need time but she has abandoned me,

While a mist slowly forms over her figure till I can no longer see.

Stuck in the past and not moving on.

I tried my best to go forward but i got scorned.

Family and friends lend a helping hand without realising that their hands are clad with thorns.

I had no choice but to injure myself while holding on.

Maybe I just need a hug, no comforting words at all, no sound.

Just the action perhaps, to calm me down.

To yearn for such things is slowly turning into a sin,

For it might better to act strong instead of creating a din.

I'm not an exhibitionist, showing how I feel to get some attention.

Just want to confide, scream and let it out of the system.

Do you know when does my tiredness show?

But to those who know ,what do you really know?