Kang Tai
29 Oct 1986
Ultimate Procrastinator
Cat Lover
Lousy Singer
Hunk Wannabe


February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
December 2008
February 2009
May 2009
July 2009
August 2009
March 2012
April 2012

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Time may be nothing more than just a destructive factor which has conveniently assimilated itself into our lives.

People age and die, structures erode and and potentially decay with each passing day. It effectively pulls people apart and blurs our shared memories should we spend less time with them.

Effort is the antidote to curb time's onslaught.

With more effort, we can keep our loved ones close to our hearts should they leave this world one day. We can find the strength to hold on to our family and friends and it repairs our memories with coats of fresh paint so that they will always be crystal clear.

How many, though, can make that effort?

Friday, March 30, 2012

2012 年了,也就是说所有经历过的喜怒哀乐,可能都已经远远的抛到脑后了。

也不知道为什么,一向来意志力薄弱的我,突然心血来潮想要revive this blog.

3年了,视力和听觉也不好了,人也老了,见过的事与物也该不少了。 总认为分隔了那么久的时间,总也要带着少许的开朗与热诚把2012年的第一份blog炒热起来,反正万一有一天真的患了老人痴呆,那至少在某一个网站还残留着我的记忆。






所以来来去去的女佣,见证过阿嬤的便便神功后也只好甘拜下风。不知不觉地就换了第五个女佣,她,也是照顾阿嬤的最后一个女佣。Yati 就有一副慈祥妈妈的脸,虽然做事情总是比较笨拙,缓慢而常常的被家人骂,但是她却毫无怨言并且无微不至地在看护着阿,也陪阿嬤度过了她最后的一刻。


2010年10月10号, 我记得是星期天下午,因为准备龙舟比赛所以把电话寄放在柜子里然后去练习。练习结束后才发现有好几通未接电话。打开妹妹发的简讯时才知道嬤已经走了。






当时我觉得我没办法维持我和他的感情。可能就是因为太久了,所以凡事都take for granted。可能也就觉得口香糖已经没有味道了,该换换口味了。所以那一天晚上,就和一个恶心又卑鄙的陌生人“舌吻”,虽然我背叛了他,但是在那个时刻我是处于在不知道是好是坏的心情去面对一切。详细内容不说也罢了,但是因为一时的贪玩和欲望,再加上彼此看不到美好未来的心态才决定放弃一切,想要从新开始。

回顾一下2007年初次见面的那一刻,彼此的个性真的是天壤之别。狗-猫,台-新,认真-任性,成熟-幼稚,邓丽君-lady gaga。。。 若要把这些差别一一说出来,真的是没天没夜。但最奇妙的是,我们俩竟然能抛开自己的想法,维持了将近5年的感情。太了解对方了,太可怕地坠入爱河了。







Thursday, August 20, 2009

Head Hurts
Insomnia setting in, is that my muse calling out to me, or is it just my head?

I'm the only one wide awake while the rest became the sleeping dead.

Trying to make each sentence rhyme, yet not sure of the reason why.

I'm just trying to avoid more problems and let each day pass by.

Music is now paying a visit to my head, but there's no one home.

Where has my mind gone at this hour instead of staying in its cozy dome?

I need time but she has abandoned me,

While a mist slowly forms over her figure till I can no longer see.

Stuck in the past and not moving on.

I tried my best to go forward but i got scorned.

Family and friends lend a helping hand without realising that their hands are clad with thorns.

I had no choice but to injure myself while holding on.

Maybe I just need a hug, no comforting words at all, no sound.

Just the action perhaps, to calm me down.

To yearn for such things is slowly turning into a sin,

For it might better to act strong instead of creating a din.

I'm not an exhibitionist, showing how I feel to get some attention.

Just want to confide, scream and let it out of the system.

Do you know when does my tiredness show?

But to those who know ,what do you really know?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Time For Myself
Last week was pretty well spent.. Hmm.. could say the same for my money as well- not really considered "well spent", it's more of like a "all spent"..

Went to Batam with NTU gang,

then Genting with Gold Kili colleagues,

paintball the following day with RELC buddies and

clubbing at night with another group of happening friends..

One whole week for myself and I enjoyed it pretty much, although at times I wish that J is around but I think that is pretty much impossible.

Well.. went out today again for some shopping and didn't buy anything much.. but while doing my window shopping I realised that Singapore is a screwed up country haha..

Imagine.. Studying in Primary School, then moving on to Secondary School, followed by JC, NS then army.. How old am I now? How much longer can I stay young? It is kinda frustrating to know that we spend our prime years leading such a monotonous lifestyle and in the end when we really want to enjoy the "fruits of our labour", we are already 30 or even older.. Our youth is just wasted.

I tried to talk to my aunt about it.. Well.. let's just say that she is another one who is already brainwashed by Singapore.

Meanwhile.. I do have some plans.. But I'll do things slowly.. It's about time for me to have more control over my life. J, ha sometimes I do need a bit of listening ear.

I do have some regrets but what's the point of talking about that? Haha it's already over isn't it?

Friday, July 24, 2009














当我提起他们时,并不怎么会感到心酸。因为我也开始,慢慢地对家里的事而感到麻木了。家里常常传出吵闹声- 三姑与婆婆,四姑与爸爸等等。为了什么而吵呢?非得把彼此的关系闹僵了才心满意足吗?





Monday, May 25, 2009

One More Week
This week past by so fast.. and it's really hard trying to remember what you have done when you have already forgotten what happened..

Start with 21st May..

Went to the gym and stayed for an hour or so.. Didn't really do much though.. Later at night I went over to Chinatown for a job interview.. Wanted to work as a waiter but there are no vacancies.. Hmm.. it's almost a week since I had any replies from them.. So I guess they didn't want me at all in the first place.. I don't care about my grades anymore though I just want to earn money..

22nd May

Went to collect our goodies bag at Millenia Walk for the Adidas Sundown Marathon.. Quite a big crowd when we (Ben and I) reached. After that it was lunch at Burger King and ARCADE TIME.. didn't spend much.. only 5 bucks.. just let us be kids once in a while k?

Went for a swim in the afternoon.. Then went to prep for Sharm's birthday.. still can't get her full name right it's pretty paisey.. Now in one of my unglam moments.. Nice shirt and shorts..

This is the authenic Chong family popiah.. it's nice and I love it.. haha.. better to have a little bit of food in the stomach before drinking right?

Wanted to take a picture of Zouk but it's too dark.. I like the UV lightings but the place gets a bit ugly once everyone was drunk.. You can see people puking everywhere and vulgarities replaced normal conversations.. very ugly sight.. i was pretty drunk too.. went to hug another guy and couldn't stand straight.. the birthday girl.. well.. she K.O -ed.. totally.. very unglam for her as well..

23rd May

Another bdae celebration! Had to attend a briefing for a job at Bukit View Sec.. So I was pretty late when I got to East Coast Park.. Went to eat at Sakura! haha the portions were so big.. After that we headed over to play cards at Burger King.. too bad the pics were not released yet.. They describe things far much better than I do..

24th May

Tuition and Run.. The run was scary cos Ben had a cyborg friend.. It's a compliment actually cos she's really really fast.. Ever heard of Sonic the Hedgehog? Yup.. let me introduce u to Angie the female hedgehog.. I was sweating so much my shorts were wet for the first time and she still had so much driving force in her..

25th May

Gym.. and dinner with Junxian.. Nothing much happened too.. We came across some pasar malam stalls at Batok and he wanted to try out the mini games.. In the end he gave up (Looks kinda disappointed though) and so that's all haha..

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Messy Messy
Decided to pack my room at 4am.. couldn't really sleep cause it was too hot and yeah.. other worries..

Threw all my stuff on my bed.. Already removed the bedsheets cause it was pretty dirty..

Filled with rubbish.. Quite unsightly..

I had this kitty bank for 2 yrs and I think he's always hungry.. When I found him yesterday he was wearing the DUST season sweater..

Coins barely reached his toes.. I mistreated and starved my cat..

I came upon this diary entries made when I was in the army.. A must-keep for me to remember the horrible days in SAF..

A $2 throwing star.. Huifen made it when we were in JC.. I still think it's an art and can't bear to use it..

Gifts from Jingying and Peggy when they went to Bangkok..

Hand-made star by Peggy.. Still keeping it cause it's kinda sweet.. I was reminiscing on the past haha..

I realised that I'm quite a shopaholic.. These GBA games.. I think they cost at least $40 each... so i wasted $200!! That's alot!

I couldn't bear to throw this box away.. But I've decided to keep my desk clean and sacrificed this damn nice pic..

Sonic The Hedgehog Gamebook!! I had it since K1.. loved the game..

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Time For A Shower
Woke up at 8am then snooze till 915am.. Supposed to meet Ben at 930am for gym but I was super lazy haha.. Still managed to get my lead filled body out of the bed and exercised till 11am.. Then it's shower time for my cat!!

The "I'm Not Gonna Shower" Face

The Bucket Of Doom

Suds of Despair

Brush of A Thousand Spikes

The Unwillingness

A Fight To The Death For Cat's Honor And Glory

Submission and left to dry..

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lame Family's Cosy Corner
Procrastination is an evil friend, very very evil. It distracted me and stopped me from updating my blog. Well.. now hunger commands a greater control over me and so.. here I am.. Memory starts to deteriorate and I can't really remember what I did for the past few days. I thought for so long just trying to recall what happened on Monday.

Monday monday monday..

Had tuition! And it's just like that.. I think I went to the gym as well.. and of all things i went to become an action babi. I lifted weights ( light ones ) and the urge to become a hunk was so great that I went to the extent of spraining my arms. Hell that's painful and it's not recovering yet.

Some of the pictures I took at my tuition kid's place. Their dog might actually be a guy in disguise.


Lame family gathering minus 2 important female leads. Huifen, Zhiai, where are you? I decided to don my most metro clothes and meet them haha. We went to "the Pasta shop" at wheelock and it's pretty ok. There weren't any people when we went in. We were sort of like "Zhao Chai Mao" cos the place was full of life moments after we placed our order.

This picture seemed abit out of place. It was just a random picture of someone ( name starting with S) showing her cleavage and Peggy just took it. I really don't know how to describe it.. Hmm.. Artistic?

It was funny actually when 3 out of 5 in the lame family were wearing stuff bought from Bangkok at THE SAME TIME! The only thing I didn't like about this gathering was the duration! Too short! Haha.. next outing please?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bangkok Getaway
We made our way to Changi Airport and alighted at the budget terminal. While queuing up to check in for the flight, it was at that point of time when I thought to myself that it was perfect for us to cast all our worries aside and enjoy ourselves in the land of a thousand smiles-Thailand.

We were almost late for the flight and we didn't realise that we were the last few to board the plane. The three of us then panicked and rushed to the plane. While running towards the plane we met a police guard. I won't mention the names but there were two girls whose hearts momentarily stopped when that cute guard reassured them to stop running and safety comes first.

Day 1

The weather's turning out fine while travelling to Bangkok..

In one of Bangkok's cab.. taxi is relatively cheap.

Grand Diamond Suites
We arrived at the hotel at noon and it wasn't that bad. The good thing was that it was located in the middle of the city with lots of shopping malls!

All of us were pretty hungry after the flight.. and the first stop is KFC! It may seem a little bit odd but the standard of KFC was better over there. Ever seen them serving chicken in plates and cutlery in Singapore?

Black Canyon Coffee
Bangkok's Black Canyon Coffee = Singapore's Starbucks.. You can find them almost everywhere and the drinks tasted almost as good as Starbucks.

Night time in Bangkok.. relatively noisy and bustling with activity..

Went to 7-11 and came upon these drinks.. We were so intrigued by the design so we decided to buy them. Packaging was interesting but the taste was far from awesome.

Patpong Night market

The gals' bargaining skills were put to the test as they pit themselves against the store owners. Jingying won 2-0 with cuff links and polo tees while Serene came to a draw. She was about to buy her cap but the police came and closed the night market.

Patpong Bar
As the saying goes. "The reason for resting is to prepare to travel for a longer journey" So we went to this bar, ordered a few drinks, rested our aching feet and was planning to hunt for better bargains later on . The waitress couldn't understand English and she mixed the order of our drinks. I got Serene's drink, Serene with Jing ying's and Jing ying's with mine..

Start of the riot

The police came and closed down the whole night market. They also started confiscating all the fake goods. All of a sudden there was this gunshot from outside and everyone screamed. The performers at the stage laughed and told everyone that it was not uncommon for such things to happen. All of us squatted down when the gun was fired and Jing ying got a large bruise because we pulled her down. In the end the people were unhappy with the cops for taking too much of their goods and a riot started. In the end they won. Needless to say we now know the capabilities of BKK police.

Patpong Cafe

After the gun shot we decided to find some place to eat and get rid of the hunger pangs. The riots continued as we were eating but we didn't really care. The food was moderate except for the prawns. After that we heard a few more gun shots but the drinks at the bar had already numbed our senses so we just continued eating.

Day 2

Another day of shopping madness began and we made our way to Bangkok's paragon.

Siam Paragon

Intuition led us to Piri Piri Chicken Restaurant. Initially i thought it was the same as the one found in Malaysia (The chicken was good) but the name was Peri Peri Chicken. So why not give it a chance?


The best way to end a full lunch was dessert! But mango sorbet was a little too sour for me to handle. Serene tried to take some pictures but she was stopped by the staff. We didn't really care much and continued to pose in front of the shop.

Mah Boon Krong

It was super warm there and by the time we reached MBK we were sweating like pigs, cute pigs.
Shopping doesn't seem as enjoyable over there because Platinum mall seemed so much better.
MBK was slightly more expensive as well.

Bangkok Mass Rapid Transit

At first we wanted to go Khao San but one taxi uncle told us that it was closed because the following day was Vesak Day and chased us out of the car. In the end it turned out that he didn't want to drive us there because there was a freaking big traffic jam. Taxi meters in Bangkok go by distance and not waiting time so they were not so willing to send us there. It's ok there's the MRT! After the train ride we took the Tutu cab to Suan Lum night bazaar.

Suan Lum Night Bazaar (Food Court)

Suan Lum is almost the same as Newton Circus Food Centre but it's must cheaper. Before purchasing any food we need to buy coupons in order to use them at the food stalls. There is also a "ge tai" at the end of the food centre and the singing was er... okay. We shared another plate of Phad Thai noodles, sausages and sambal kang kong. Not that bad haha..

Suan Lum Night Bazaar

In the midst of shopping we came across a shop that belongs to an artist. He made Doraemon looked so murderous and evil haha.. His drawings are cute and unique as well.

Suan Lum Bar

Suan Lum is a combination of Newton and Holland V. There were quite a few restaurants and pubs. We decided to go to this bar and Serene was freaked out by the black cat.

Hotel Room

Everyone's energy was sapped after a day of money spending. For no reason Serene still managed to make an effort to do her nails. The hidden power of a narcissist.

Day 3

Platinum Mall (Mister Donuts)

Serene decided to go for her massage. So Jing ying and I decided to try out their donuts.
It's quite nice but too bad that Serene had no chance to indulge in such sinful pleasures.

Platinum Mall

We decided to shop in Platinum Mall for the last time. We bought some stuff and bid farewell to this shoppers' paradise.


Our next stop was Chinatown. Jing ying recommended trying the bird's nest as it was nice and cheap. Cheap was enough to get us going. The fried rice was so good and it tasted better than most of the stalls in Singapore. The mutton fried noodles did not lose out to its fried rice counterpart as it had its own unique taste. The main attraction of this meal was of course the bird's nest!~~

Chinatown (Lin Zhen Xiang)

It was serendipity that brought us to this shop. Jing ying was on the verge of giving up finding this store and she was really excited when she saw it. Serene and I just watched as she activated "auntie mode" and bought alot of snacks.

Khao San

We were told to go Khao San at night but we already had plans so we decided to check it out anyway. It was a well known place for backpackers and there were alot of ang mohs over there. We walked around until evening and chilled out at one cafe. The ice cream served was melting so it was kind of disappointing.

Clubbing Silom (Preparations)

We went back to the hotel and prepared for a sleepless night. It was clubbing day for us! Dressing up for clubbing was fun and the anticipation of getting high over at the dance floor was too much for me to bear.

Silom (Derby King)

This cafe was located right beside the pasar malam at Patpong. We ordered 2 plates of beef guo tiao and 1 plate of chicken guo tiao. The waiter was confused when our dishes arrived and he took a fork and dug out the meat to check if it was chicken or beef.

Silom (D.J Station)

My friend brought us over to this club and entrance fee was only 200 baht. (~S$9) It was a gay club but the gals met some weird old man staring at them. Maybe he was only drunk but he went away after the gals dragged me and used me as a shield. Music was nice and loud but we didn't stay for long. We went to the bar right beside the club, sat down, ordered our drinks and chat.

Grand Diamond Suites (4am)

After clubbing it was really hard to sleep and the 3 of us were super hungry. Room service was available 24 hrs and we ordered a lot! Pigging out was really fun for me, and i could say the same for them.

Day 4 (Last Day)

Grand Diamond Suite

After that heavy supper it was already close to 5am and we had to check out by noon. Not enough sleep but
I guess the last day of shopping was good motivation. The mess we created was revenge for waking us up at 9am.

Siam Square

Last stop for the day and attempts were made to shop for clothes but it was futile for me. The gals managed to grab some stuff but they still don't think it was enough.

Siam Square (Hong Kong Cafe)

Decided to try out the dim sum so we ordered some. Maybe because the tiredness is growing inside me and the food didn't appeal to me. I felt that the milk tea was too sweet so i ended up drinking Jing ying's mango shake.

Back At Siam Square

We continued shopping and Serene came across a feather duster and decided to do some pose. The lady boss was staring at us in one corner, maybe she thought that we were going to steal it.

Siam Square (Milk Plus)

Last dessert shop of the day. Serene didn't like her blueberry blended. Jing ying and I were okay with ours. The Pokki sticks lookalike were too sweet for our taste so we didn't finish all.


We went back to the hotel to collect our luggage and took the cab to the airport. I had mixed feelings when it all came to an end. The fun we had

1) Serene's unique way of brushing her teeth and telling lame jokes.
2) Bitching and gossiping about stuff in the middle of the night.
3) No obligations to do anything except stuff that we like.
4) Admiring the spoils obtained in the battles of shopping.

And the ones that we love and miss in Singapore. The friends, family and close ones.

Maybe it's only me. But i enjoyed the trip and I don't mind coming back again.